Our Favorite Social Media Campaigns

In acknowledgement of our new efforts in social media, our post today will highlight three of our favorite social media campaigns. You will find these campaigns are innovative, cool, and just plain fun.

1.    Thanks-a-Million (Cadbury)

cadbury thumb

Despite an already impressive following on their Facebook page Cadbury undertook an initiative to up their game. They decided to construct a massive Facebook “thumbs-up” as a salute to their 1 million Facebook fans. They tracked the progress of the thumb building with a real-time video feed. The campaign got 250,000 fans involved, and gained Cadbury another 40,000 likes. When all was said and done the thumb took 48 hours to build and consisted of 6,600 pounds of chocolaty goodness.

2.    Tweet-a-Beer (Waggener Edstrom/ Tenfour)

tweet a beer

Our next choice is a joint effort by a creative agency, Waggener Edstrom, and a technology company, Tenfour. The purpose of this campaign was to generate some buzz for Tenfour’s abilities leading up to the SXSW show in Austin, Texas. The app allowed users to send their friends money for a beer over Twitter by simply tweeting @yourTwitterhandle. The money was exchanged via Paypal. The campaign proved to be a huge success and even garnered attention on news outlets such as CNN.

3.    Smell like a man, man. (Old Spice)


I’m sure many of you have seen Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” commercials that aired circa 2010. The ads featured a smooth-talking man’s man who could do no wrong. Old Spice wisely decided to adapt this concept into one of the most successful social media campaigns of all time. Old Spice took their spokesman from the videos and produced about 180 custom videos that answered questions from celebrities, fans, or popular bloggers. The response was massive, with 6 million video views over the course of one summer.